A few times over the course of the year we are looking for volunteers to help with some of our school gardening initiatives.  One such event is coming up on Saturday, May 27th from 9 – 10:30am.  This is our Kimberley/Beaches Garden/Weed-a-Thon.  If you would like to volunteer for this event please send Mrs. Vree (susanna.vree@tdsb.on.ca) an email and she will add you to her gardening committee email list.
Feel free to bring the family and please bring your own gardening tools including pruning shears and saws, shovels, gloves and brown bags if you have any to spare.
If you can’t join us for this event but would like to help out in future events (such as our summer watering program) still send Mrs. Vree (susanna.vree@tdsb.on.ca) an email and she will be sure to add you to her list.